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Mobility Scooter or Electric Wheelchair (Power Chair)? Which one is for me?

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Mobility Scooter or Electric Wheelchair (Power Chair)? Which one is for me?

Most people who suffer from mobility issues face the decision of choosing between a mobility scooter and an electric wheelchair. Choosing between the two options is a relatively easy decision when looking at the user’s daily tasks and dependency on mobility devices.
How severe is your mobility impairment?

A power chair is typically for users with severely limited mobility. Power chairs are made for extended long-term use as opposed to the cheaper, cloth seat manual wheelchairs that you have probably seen in hospitals and airports. For people who simply have trouble walking and getting from place to place, a mobility scooter is generally recommended. These rules are not set in stone and your physician or one of our wheelchair and mobility scooter experts would be more than happy to point you in the right direction for your personal, unique situation.
Will you be using your mobility scooter or power chair inside most of the time?

This is one of the most important questions to address in making your decision. Many mobility scooter and power chair users suffering from mobility impairments stay in their home, or at least indoors the majority of the time. Others, on the other hand, really enjoy getting out as much as possible. 
For users who stay indoors the majority of the time and need a mobility device to get around the house, an electric wheelchair is a desirable option. The handlebars of a mobility scooter get in the way of being able to pull straight up to desks and tables. With a power chair, users are able to drive straight up to a table, desk, sink, or counter. This one aspect makes things like bathroom, dinner table, and kitchen activities a much simpler task, rather than having to transfer out of a mobility scooter and into a chair. As we covered before, if you do not have severely limited mobility and can easily transfer from a scooter to a chair, or stand for at least short periods of time, a mobility scooter is most likely the best option for you.
Mobility Scooter OutsideWill you be using your power chair or mobility scooter outside?

A mobility scooter is the overwhelming favorite for people to use outdoors. While an electric wheelchair can be used for both outdoor and indoor usage, it is best suited for flat, even surfaces. 
Due to a larger wheelbase and tires, mobility scooters have the ability to travel over uneven surfaces much easier than an electric wheelchair can. There are a number of heavy duty and recreation mobility scooters available as well. These scooters tend to have greater weight capacities and are built with larger tires and wheelbases than a standard mobility scooter, allowing you to go more places than you ever thought you could go! It’s hard to say the words “go” and “scooter” in the same sentence without mentioning the Pride Go-Go Scooter. The Go-Go Scooter is one of the most popular and affordable scooters on the market today and you can read more About Pride Go-Go Scooters here.
How much are you willing to spend?

This should only be a question to answer if you are still completely split on your decision between purchasing a power wheelchair and a mobility scooter. Mobility scooters tend to be significantly cheaper than an electric wheelchair and there are quite a few portable travel scooters available for well under $1000.
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